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Genesis Supply List
Genesis Supply List
* 3 (three) 1.5-2” binders for core classes (or Trapper Keeper) and 1 (one) arts binder (Periods 4 & 5)
(We recommend one binder for period 3, a shared binder for periods 1 & 2, and
a shared binder for periods 6 & 7)
* 1 (one) marble composition book for Literary Skills with Mrs. Feldman if you are not taking a foreign language
* dividers for your binders (1 or 2 packages will be plenty)
* calculator:
Algebra I students: TI-83, TI-83 Plus, or TI-84 Plus Graphing calculator
Pre-Algebra students: calculator with the capability to evaluate fractions
(we strongly recommend the TI 30XIIS made by Texas Instruments)
* pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers
* pencil case
* a 6” ruler that will fit in your pencil case
* lined loose-leaf paper (2 packs)
* self-selected reading book (should be brought to each class every day)
* Post-it notes (small) for English class
* index cards (3” x 5”) for creating flashcards
* 2 (two) boxes of tissues (bring to homeroom the first week of school)