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7th Grade Guided Exploration

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Mr. Hickey's 7th Grade Guided Exploration Webpage


The 7th grade Guided Exploration course is designed to introduce students to the world of work by starting them on a path for their future. The goal of this course is for you to start thinking and planning for tomorrow.  As a 7th grader there is a world of possibilities in front of you.  When it comes to choosing a career, many choices and paths exist that one can take to find happiness and success.  Part of that journey is to get a better understanding on what makes you unique.  Your individual strengths will most play an important role in your eventual career choice.

During this course students will have the opportunity to explore the following areas:

-Career Awareness and Preparation

-Personal Interest/Skills

-Decision Making

-Education/Course Selection

-Employable Skills


-Job Acquisition 

"Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” –Mark Twain



PA State Career Education Standards

PA Career Zone

Knowing Yourself Pie Chart

How to Complete the "Knowing Yourself Pie Chart"

1. Knowing Yourself Module Resources

Personality Test

Multiple Intelligence Test


Brain Test

2. Cluster Project Module Resources

Career Cluster Project Rubric

3. High School Education Module Resources

High School Program Planning Assignment

CR North Program Planning

CR North Clubs and Activities

High School Clubs/Activities Workseet

CR North Clubs

Club Websites

4. College Module Resources

College Pennant Project

INTERNAL LINK College Pennant Research Worksheet

College Comparison Websites

College Comparison

College Ranking

College Matching Quizzes

Matching Quiz 1

Matching Quiz 2