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My 2019-20 NEWLY UPDATED NMS Classroom Seismograph Image below:
(updated every 10 min, click it for larger version)
*scroll down for other links
NMPA - Newtown, PA
For a list of local earthquakes to compare to the seismograph, look here:
USGS Earthquake Link To see significant recent earthquakes that have been uploaded to IRIS, look here:Mr. Curry's IRIS Seismograph Webpage Think you see an earthquake in the image above?
To see if it might be a real earthquake, see if it was picked up in other locations;
by checking out other seismographs here:
Other Real-Time School Seismograph Images Link Weather at NMS:
powered by Ambient Weather
Where is the ISS now?Email Mr. Curry Here:
Welcome 2020-2021 Team Legacy Students !
8th Grade Earth/Space Science - Mr. Curry - Newtown MS
All homework is posted in Canvas:
All Classes:Want to see what you will be learning this year? Here are three great websites: You can reach Mr. Curry at dcurry@crsd.orgLooking for Science Vocab?