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Concussion Links

You must complete both the concussion education course, and the concussion test.


  1. Use the following link:
  2. Fill in your school email address. Fill out your FIRST and LAST name, GRADE, and SPORT. Then click NEXT to go to the next section.
  3. The next section is the Pre-Test (Concussion Prior Knowledge). Complete this pretest and then go to the next section.
  4. The next section is the PRESENTATION. Please watch the video.
  5. When the presentation is completed, you will need to answer the MULTIPLE CHOICE questions.
  6. The next section will be the Post Test (Concussion Current Knowledge). Complete the Post Test and press submit.
  7. Your Athletic Director will be able to see who has completed this presentation and the score you receive on the questions. You do not need to print or submit anything.

Please remember, the concussion education program is valid for ONE SCHOOL YEAR.




#2:      A. Please type in the code using CAPSLOCK: K5N74TQSV4

  1. Press VALIDATE- Newtown Middle School should appear under

#3: Select “ENGLISH”, Click “NEXT, Click “NEXT”

#4: Demographics Section: Fill in the requested information.

Use this information below to help you fill in some of the sections:

  1. Name: First and Last Name. If this is not your first time taking the test, please try to type in the name you used last year. NO nicknames.
  2. Birthdate: Please enter your birthday.
  3. Gender: Please enter your gender
  4. Choose your pointing device: This is what you are using to control the movement of the cursor on your computer screen.
  5. Answer Yes/No Questions:


#5: The next section is about your current symptoms and conditions (how you feel right now while taking this test).

Please rank these symptoms. For example, if you are NOT experiencing the symptom, click 0. If it is barely noticeable, click 1. If it is the worst you have ever experienced, click 6. Remember, this is how you are currently feeling while you are taking this test! Keep answering these questions until you do not see any more left to answer.

#6: Now it is time to start the test! Take your time and read the directions! Once you have finished the test, the results will be sent directly to the Athletic Director. You do NOT need to print or email anything!

