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Program Planning

What is Program Planning?

Students will soon be selecting a program of studies for next school year. This is an especially important task that will involve some significant decisions and choices. It is also imperative that the courses selected are consistent with future educational and vocational goals.

To be of assistance with this planning, the following activities are scheduled:

  1. Discussion in classrooms of course offerings in each academic area.
  2. Special presentations by teachers and department coordinators regarding specific courses and programs.
  3. An evening meeting for parents to give an overview of the educational program at the middle / high school.
  4. Student conferences with counselors to discuss and select courses. Counselors are also available to discuss course selection with parents at their request.

Caution can be an important ingredient in the selection process. A student’s study habits and skills are not likely to change drastically over the summer or as a result of entering the next grade level. The schedule of courses should be challenging enough to encourage academic growth, but not so demanding that the student becomes overwhelmed and discouraged.